
Archive for January, 2020

Suburbitat- If we’re lucky we may see birds, such as Cedar Waxwings (photo) and Robins, flocking to our gardens. In our opinion there are few things more joyful than a tree filled with singing birds. These are species that are not attracted to feeders.  Fruit, softened by several deep freezes, from ornamentals such as crabapple, hawthorn, and hackberry attracts them. Human beings have altered 98 percent of the lower 48 states and many bird populations in Colorado (and elsewhere in the United States) have declined by more than 60% over just 40 years. The Audubon Society says that, on our currently trajectory,  389 species of North American birds are in danger of extinction due to habitat loss and climate change. In the 21st Century we need our landscaping to be more than just pretty, we can utilize landscaping as a life raft to save our dwindling wildlife and share the world that we design and build with them.  Bohemian Waxwing

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